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Monday, December 17, 2012

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Your Super-Conscious mind contains all the information of the universe and you have access to it whenever you want. All you have to do is ask.
You have already used it many,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Black Boots, many times. Say, for instance, that you have a major problem that has to be resolved the following day. You worry about it and think about it, and find it hard to get to sleep as it is still bothering you,more scientific way. When you wake up the following morning, the answer suddenly pops into your head. "Eureka" you cry and you happily go and solve the problem. Where did the answer come from? You did not have it when you fell asleep. It was not in your Conscious mind, nor was it in your Sub-Conscious.
What happened was, while you were asleep, the Sub-conscious contacted the Super-Conscious mind and asked for the answer. Next time you have a problem of this sort, tell your Sub-Conscious mind about it and say that you need an answer by a certain time.
Overnight is fine, but two days would be better. Don't tell it how you want the problem resolved,Depression. Just ask for the answer and confidently expect it to come. Ask again several times during the time limit you have set, and your Super-Conscious mind will solve your problem.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

you know. You have to learn to keep your fears in perspective. And remember

The Things That Stop Most People Presenting in Public & How to Overcome Them,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Chestnut Boots
Gerald R,try simplifying your life. Henry Thoreau wisely observed,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Navy Boots. Ford said "If I went back to college again, I'd concentrate on two areas: learning to write and learning to speak before an audience. Nothing in life is more important than the ability to communicate effectively."
It's the number one skill that's guaranteed to position you head and shoulders above the competition, yet it's frequently overlooked, according to female speaker, Patricia Fripp.
My own take on having the ability to speak well in public is that it's probably the single most powerful thing you can learn to do that gives you the ammunition to say "If I can do that, I can do anything".
If you've ever marvelled at the abilities of a great presenter, the clever use of words to draw pictures, the confidence and charisma that exudes from the platform and the awe in which they are held,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Black Boots, you'll agree with the above statements.
So why is it that when it comes to attending training courses, presentation skills are not the automatic first port of call? Could it be to do with that oft quoted (probably misquoted) statistic that speaking in public is feared more than death? Let's not go into an examination of quite how ridiculous that would be if it were true. After all, how many of you would really swap places with the guy in the coffin if you were asked to speak at a funeral?
There's no doubt that public presenting can get the old palms sweating,Pretend to be someone else and think the way you believe they would., but given the benefits you'll get when you know you can do it well, it really shouldn't stop you. Let's examine the causes of nerves so you lay your fears to rest and get this most important of abilities added to your arsenal of talents,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Chocolate Boots, shall we?
First, examine why you're nervous. There's always a reason for nerves so examine what the reasons are so you can deal with the cause and go a long way to eliminating the symptom. Note that I say "go a long way to eliminating", the chances are that you'll always feel some nervousness which is when you need to remember that nerves are your friends because they keep your senses sharp & show that you want to do well.
Even seasoned performers suffer from stage fright, some had it so bad they could barely perform. Fortunately, the thought is usually worse than the task. Once you get started, you'll often find that your nervousness will disappear. I liken it to knowing that you're about to tackle a drive round London's Hyde Park Corner or Paris's Arc de Triomphe in rush hour. Thinking about it really freaks you out but when you're in the middle of it, you're too busy concentrating on not hitting anyone that it's only afterwards you get to think "Wow, I made it in one piece."
Some of the most common reasons I've found for people suffering from nerves are these:
- Worry about forgetting what you're going to say
- Worry that the audience will think you're a fraud
- Worry about saying the wrong thing and offending somebody
- Worry that someone will ask a question to which you don't know the answer
- Worry that you'll get a dry mouth or get tongue tied
- Worry that you'll finish too soon or run long
Some of the less common ones I've heard were "I'm worried in case there's a fire alarm halfway through my talk" and "I'm worried that the hem on my trousers will unravel in front of everyone whilst I'm speaking."
I could dismiss all these are "silly" or "invalid" and tell you that none of them will ever happen, but the fact is that they often will. (Yes, even the trouser hem thing's happened to me!). Looking down the list, you can see that there's a lot you can do to avoid these situations occurring: being well prepared, stating your qualifications in your introduction, knowing your subject matter inside and out, timing yourself several times during rehearsals, and so on (sorry, I don't have a magic bean to disable fire bells during speeches).
But so what if any of them still come to pass? What's the worst that can happen? Well it's not life or death, you know. You have to learn to keep your fears in perspective. And remember, the audience wants you to succeed. Nobody enjoys a bad speech.
Do what you can to be prepared and don't let fear of speaking stop you from gaining that most revered of all skills,UGG 5838, the one that will impact every area of your personal and business life. Give yourself the very best opportunity of succeeding and you'll find the rewards are massive.

Friday, December 14, 2012

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Are You Faking It?
I am beginning to wonder how many people are faking it?
How many if given the chance would change careers, partners, domiciles, and friends,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Navy Boots? What percentage are living a life by rote? It takes not a lot of thought for these people, everything just is.
Get up by an alarm because you have to. Get dressed in a certain type of clothes you might not otherwise wear,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots, because that is what is called for where you spend most of your waking hours. Go do something you might not particularly care for, or at best are not passionate about, because it pays a check on a consistant basis.
What bothers me most about this scenario is the apparent fact that this system is not working! It seems to me most people fall into one of two categories. Either you have little or no money to spare, or you have little or no time to spare - or both.
What I see is a whole race of people devoting entire lives to little or no money, and little or no time in the hopes of having more money and time! What is wrong with this picture?
In my opinion it is a tragedy, and the great unknown American epidemic,UGG 5838.
Too many people are Doing something, so they can Have stuff, so they can Be somebody.
What do I mean by Be somebody'? My belief is we are taught who we should be from before we can talk. How many billions of marketing dollars have been spent to make you believe a new car is a must have? How many times have you seen, consciously or not, an advertisement convincing you that everyone must look pretty, drive nice cars, wear a particular brand of clothes, or drink a certain beer? How about the weeds in your yard, the smell of your house, or your breath?
In effect, we are indirectly taught if we are to Be somebody, we must Have certain things, and if we do not Have these things, we cannot Be somebody. How do we Have this stuff? We Do something. Usually we Do the thing that makes us the most money or at least the most consistent money as many fear changing for losing what they already Have.
There is a big problem with this thinking. There is always more stuff they tell us we must Have. Which means we must Do more to get it. Otherwise we won't Be somebody. It is a never ending treadmill that I believe has reached epidemic proportions and is wildly out of control. We are literally running our whole lives. Where is this running taking us?* Both parents work. Children are sent to school for discipline not education where they learn how to Be,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Black Boots. And we all wake up at 65 so tired we want to 'retire'. Why? I want to scream this next sentence. TO DO WHAT WE WANT!
Why don't we do what we want all along?
We are following a formula called Do,but have them resting on major. Nevertheless, Have, and Be. This is the formula I think we should be following. Be, Do, Have.
Be who you are. Define and consciously choose to be uniquely you. Discover your own gifts, quirks, needs, values, and meaning of success.
Do what you love. Figure it out. What did you love to do as a child? What did you dream about being when you grew up? What do you dream about now?
Have what you need. If you are true to yourself, and are passionate about what you do, the things you need will be provided. This is the hard part. When you give up control, and live on the faith the Universal Energy source is really there and will help there will be times when you wonder why you gave up the security of the JOB. Each of us in a way has been programmed to believe there is not enough to go around, and that we must fight for our portion. This is a fallacy.
You do not have to fight. In my opinion we were not born to fight all our lives. We were put here for some other reason, but it was not to live our lives struggling to feed the machine.
Your thoughts?
If this line of thinking appeals to you, and you want more, join one of the small groups forming now,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Chestnut Boots. We will work on helping you define who you are,finances and experience of life, what you love to do, and how to get there if need be.
Your Coach and online friend,
Miami Phillips
Helping others find their path - and stay on it.

Quotation of the Week
"Whatever your sex or position, life is a battle in which you are to show your pluck, and woe be to the coward. Whether passed on a bed of sickness or a tented field, it is ever the same fair play and admits no foolish distinction. Despair and postponement are cowardice and defeat. Men were born to succeed, not to fail."— Henry David Thoreau